Get Organized: Rethink the Silverware Drawer

If you’re anything like me, a silverware drawer divider does not seem to help me keep my utensils any more organized than when I’d chucked them carelessly in the drawer. Somehow, no drawer divider is ever big enough; spoons slip into the knife spot; or the corn-on-the-cob holders start infiltrating every single slot. Rather than having to kind and re-organize things every time you empty the dishwasher, try one of those tricks to keep your silverware stay neat and tidy.

More thoughts to your kitchen drawers

Jennifer Grey Interiors Design & Color Specialist

One idea we’ve noticed on is your choice to keep a little set of silverware on the counter in a vertical planner or adorable ceramic cups. If you’re like most people, you likely use the same few pieces daily. This keeps them right at hand, instead of muddled in your drawer, and motivates you to keep them organized.

Cameo Kitchens, Inc..

A fantastic custom made solution for those updating their kitchen would be a habit two-tiered drawer organizer. The top tier can be used for your own silverware and utensils that you use regularly, whereas nicer and lesser-used bits can be saved below. This keeps your silverware neat, and conserves on drawer space too.

Two-Tier Flatware Organizer

There also are lots of two-tiered silverware organizers in numerous sizes to fit your drawers best. This plastic model is a less expensive version of the customized option from the last photograph.

Tell us What is your best silverware organizing suggestion?

More: 12 Great Ideas for Organizing From the Kitchen
House Planning: How to Establish Your Own Kitchen
10 Steps to Organizing Kitchen Cabinets

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