Men have been kicked out, stuffed into corners, pushed into spare rooms, crammed into garages and restricted to wooden sheds. But do we care? Heck, no! We would not have our guy caves any way.
Many of you uploaded your own man spaces (or your husband’s or boyfriend’s) to the Opinions section within our latest ideabook, however we just can’t get enough. We’d love to find out more.
Please post your guy cave photograph in the Remarks section below. We are going to feature some of the best in an upcoming story. (And yes, we’ll be doing exactly the same thing for women’s private getaway spaces, also. Stay tuned.)
I adore this rich wood guy cave in Charlotte, North Carolina, built by Walker Woodworking. There are a lot of books and leather chairs and a fully stocked bar.
This is my type of guy space. The noise you can create.
Craig Helmreich posted this picture of his household cave, where”we could combine together in the things I love… (and yes, the drum set is kid sized),” he writes.
Masterpiece Design Group turned this garage apartment into a guy cave in the design of an Irish pub. The space has really become”a very family-friendly hangout,” the firm says.
Many men love sports. Some men actually adore sports. That is why many man caves are likely to feature sports memorabilia.
user campbellbraves’s husband is”over the top with baseball collecting,” she says. “I’ve spent many years taking deep breaths as I see him add to it. I went right downstairs and took a couple of pictures to share. I look forward to incorporating a few of the ideas within our retirement home when we have to attempt to move all this. Yes, there’s a TV and a complete bathroom.”
You can tell that things become manufactured in gavinleigh’s garage.
Your turn: Show us your private man cave in the Remarks below! Please inform us how you use the space and what amenities you added to customize it.