Tips for Caring for Rattan Furniture

Rattan, that is made from plant fibers, is both flexible and durable, making it well-suited for use as furniture. In spite of these desired qualities, rattan furniture requires particular care to ensure its longevity. It is the Goldilocks of furniture substance, never happy unless it receives its favored treatment: moderate conditions which are neither too humid nor too dry to prevent mold, mildew or brittleness. Keeping the furniture storing it in a suitable environment ensure that it will last for many years to come.

Not Too Dry

Natural rattan or cane furniture is essentially dried, dead plant matter, which means it is subject to becoming much more dried out and brittle in certain problems. If used on a terrace or porch during warm weather, keep it out of direct sunlight to prevent fading or brittleness. In precisely the same fashion, keep it away from heating ducts or an indoor fireplace. If the atmosphere inside is dry, a humidifier helps moisten the atmosphere enough to keep the furniture from drying out.

Not overly Damp

Much like dry states, too moist conditions are not great for rattan. Extremely humid environments without ample lighting result in a mustiness on the furniture, which suggests mold or mildew. Exposure to rain or wetness with time also damages rattan, so it is best kept indoors or in a covered, moderate location when not in use.

Keeping It Just Right

Standard maintenance such as dusting or even a gentle cleaning retains that rattan in peak condition. Dust it gently with a a feather duster when you detect dust, or vacuum it with an upholstery brush attachment for the primary surfaces and a crevice tool for deep, hard-to-reach places. A slightly moist, soft cloth wiped within the rattan gives it a general cleaning, even though a bit of oil soap blended into water, then rubbed on the furniture with a toothbrush, helps clean those stubborn spots. If you use moisture to clean rattan, dry out the bit in a well-ventilated place so it does not remain wet long.

Mold and Mildew Maintenance

A vintage rattan seat or furniture left in storage a long time might have a musty odor. Small specks indicate mold and mildew; wash them away with a sponge dipped in equivalent parts of bleach and water, wringing out the sponge to keep it moist, but not soaking wet. A toothbrush comes in handy to eliminate stubborn mold or mildew. Wipe down the whole piece with a fresh moist cloth or sponge to remove any bleach residue, then allow the furniture to sit on a dry, breezy day. Repeat the cleaning process if the furniture still shows signs of mold or mildew.

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